Madeline McIntire

Olympia, WA

Madeline McIntire

Artist Statement

With over 30 years of photography experience, starting with film photography, these days I use a digital SLR camera. I find pleasure in learning and exploring artistic expression. I find inspiration from other art forms as well as discussion and workshops with fellow photographers and artists.

I live on a farm surrounded by nature so I can walk out my door and find things to photograph. Activities like walking, hiking, canoeing and camping get me out in natural areas even more.  My camera and I can be found anywhere from city parks to wilderness areas.  When I’m at my happiest, the sights, sounds and smells of nature surround me.  At that moment there is nowhere else I’d rather be. If I’m lucky, something special catches my attention.  When this happens, I try to capture it with my camera.

Other than nature, my photographic loves include animals, historical sites, and street photography.

Danielle Kays

I love helping businesses and individuals make their vision come to life - whether it’s simply breathing new life in existing websites or creating new content. Let me help you take your project to new heights!

Donna Taylor Mayo


Kit Metlen