Eileen Eddleman

Ryderwood, WA

Eileen Eddleman

Artist Statement

The excitement of walking into my creative space, putting my thoughts and feelings onto a canvas is like putting a handful of Pop Rocks into my mouth. The pops are energizing, awakening and some downright hurt.

 I use many mediums to get to the image before you. Bursts of color that excite the soul and welcome you to peek into what was once my past and the blinding light of my future. I know not, what will emerge out of my inner feelings, onto the canvas until it is ready to go on the journey with the quiet and sometimes wild artist that exists in me.

Danielle Kays

I love helping businesses and individuals make their vision come to life - whether it’s simply breathing new life in existing websites or creating new content. Let me help you take your project to new heights!


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Bob Espen